North Shore Grillin'
So I am pretty much obsessed with grilling. A perk of living in the suburbs (of which there are many IF you legit live a mile or two away from Chicago) is that we have a nice sized backyard and can really enjoy grilling. We didn't have a grill so after a few Home Depot and Lowe's trips...on the weekends...driving the Land Rover with Starbucks in hand...we purchased a new grill which fits us perfectly. First how #noshopo were those trips? At least we weren't matching or wearing khakis or plaid or anything. But still.
So obviously I needed to use the grill right away and we cooked up a storm last Sunday night (the one before Mother's Day). By we, I mean Joey. I'm the prep cook. We grilled: BBQ chicken breasts, Lime chicken thighs, Bison Burgers with garlic, Chicken and Steak shish kabobs, Steak filets, a mixed peppers and onion medley, grilled asparagus and my favorite: jalapenos stuffed with garlic/onion chorizo and wrapped in bacon. Those were so good we made them for Mother's Day...HUGE hit. My boo is a damn good griller and the fish he made later in the week, hell yeah.

Oh and Mothers Day was awesome. Love my crazy Italian Family. My brother and sis-in-law (who live in St. Louis) came over to see our house for the first time on Saturday and it was great spending time with them. Dinner went great on Sunday because everyone loves Joey, which has never been said about any of my previous boyfriends. My step-dad and he even bonded over motorcycles and went outside to look at his Harley (Joey has a Suzuki). We got to eat, relax, and just have a nice time. Low key in Lake Forest. My Mom's house is simply stunning with a beautiful lawn, everything perfect but not in the uptight way. I love going over there and just having everything be familiar and comforting and Mom-like. As you can see, I get my personality from my Mom and also really needs to get a haircut, hello shaggy dog bangs. Seriously my Mom is so darn cute!
Book Club was last Friday night and all I can say is