Summer Shenanigans!

10:36 AM Unknown 2 Comments

I cannot believe summer is half over! Seriously it's not even 2 weeks away from August. Where in the hell does time go? All I know it didn't go to doing my laundry. Because you know I am wearing every back of the closet shirt and bottom drawer underwear I can find. So after this post and some dancing around to Fleetwood Mac with Dante, I will tackle the many piles of laundry all over the house and watch some Criminal Minds while Joey works for a few hours.

So what has my NoShoPo summer been like?

  • Last weekend I went to the Taste of Chicago accidently. How you ask? We decided to take a jeep drive and head down Lake Shore Drive and then go to the Michael Jordan exhibit and then the Field Musuem closes and Carly and James and JoeyWaffles and myself started walking down by the lake and end up there and Carly had never been. I was already having a pretty basic day, having been to Starbucks twice, spending some time in my new planner, and listening to some Taylor Swift so it's no suprise to anyone that a tantrum be thrown at the gelato stand of course.
  • I spent 11 days in paradise at the Grand Palladium Royal Yucatan Suites in Cancun with my Aunt Susan. It was an amazing trip and the resort was fanstastic. Seriously it was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. We had so much fun and I posted a zillion Instagram pics where YES YOU CAN SEE AN INCH OF MY BUTT CRACK. Considering how much cleavage I showed, why this extra inch was such a topic makes me laugh but whateves. Finding bottoms that cover my whole butt is like trying to find a clean and organized Forever 21 store, GOOD LUCK! I posted a bunch of photos to my fb so check them out here
  • Besides getting me into the wonders of essential oils, Kristen has introduced me to so many things and the newest is The Happy Planner! I have turned into one of those ladies who hangs out in the scrapbook section of Michaels and drinks wine on Saturday night with her pets while decorating her planner. Also of course while blogging and having trashy tv on in the background. I have been fairly stressed at work and when I don't have control or structure, I tend to get anxious and it sucks. Being able to stay organized and check things off my lists really helps and pretty things always make me smile so this planner is a lifesaver! More on this amazing planner later this week!
  • I have been emailing back and forth for months with a local rescue group about a puppy mill rescue I fell in love with and this week it looks like she's coming home with us! There is obviously a huge story about this and I'll be sharing it once her little tail is wiggling as she's snuggled on my lap with Dante and Bella close by! Pteri and Winston too, as the whole gang always likes to be together. In preperation, BarkPost shared a great Amazon Prime day deal and bought the Oxford Soft Pop Up Play tent. I also might invest in a puppy sling. MAYBE I'LL HAVE A PUPPY SHOWER. DO NOT JUDGE ME! 
  • I pretty much live in my Express jeans and shorts because they are so damn comfy but I am already dreaming about fall boots, aghhhhhhhhh.
  • I am starting BeachBody/Shakeology Monday and cannot wait! I need to get back on my health grind and I think this is going to work great because it's really portioned and what I should be eating with my lapband.

What have you been up to this summer? What should I not be missing out on?


  1. It looks likes its been a pretty good summer, thus far! Love you!! See you this weekend!
