Investing in my health, wealth, and self
So it's probably pretty clear by now that I am trying to live a more healthy life. I recently added a tagline to my blog, "investing in my health, wealth, and self" and I truly believe in it. Investing in my wealth just means making smart financial decisions, getting great deals, finding awesome DIY projects, and making sure I spend my money wisely and invest in my future. Investing in myself means doing things that better who I am, whether it be taking more classes to further my education (more on that in a future post), reading and learning, and doing things that continue my personal growth. Investing in my health has probably been the most obvious thing lately on here since I post a ton of paleo recipes, my weight loss and workout progress and what foods I try to avoid.JoeyWaffles has been a real sport about everything, especially since I've been trying to go chemical free around the house as much as we can. I completely realize that there is no way to go 100% chemical free because that's impossible but I do believe in minimizing what I can. What surprised me was how easy this has been with only some minor changes.
The first change I made was easy and has made a huge difference. I simply decided that since we don't have a dishwasher and I wash ours by hand, I would change out our dish soap. I figured it would be easy and looking at what's in normal soap, a welcome change. So with a little internet research, I found a great alternative to my usual dishwashing liquid. Joey get's annoyed because it's doesn't bubble up as much as other soaps but I remind him that the bubbling up and lather isn't always such a good thing lol Anyways, here's my alternative to store bought dishsoaps.

Recipe: Dilute the Dr. Bronner's with 1:10 water ratio. Add in a few drops of your favorite citrus essential oil. That's it. You're done! I like lemon oil the best but the Citrus is also really nice. You can also use lavendar or a few drops of Thieves.
At the end of the day, I realize I will never be able to go chemically free because it's all over our enviorment. I can't control everything and I do have a cell phone, drive a car, still drink out of plastic water bottles on occasion, eat at restaurants, etc. I just think that if I can change the things I do have control over and make those changes, I might be in better shapre in the next 30-40 years. It can't hurt right? Or do you just think I am a total nut job? Comment away lol!
You can read more about specific essential oils here and see which ones you would use. If you want to sign up you can go here and get a 24% discount on all purchases, sign up here.